“What Do You Do If You Suspect That Your Child Has a Learning Disability?”

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“What Do You Do If You Suspect That Your Child Has A Learning Disability?” was written by Dr. Silver and Dr. Spodak. Dr. Silver is a child and adolescent Psychiatrist. Not only is he a psychiatrist but, he offers advice on learning disabilities. Dr. Spodak is a psychologist and co-director of a private evaluation center. This writing is intended for parents. There are many reasons why a child may not be experiencing success in school. Often times students may be viewed as not succeeding because of their behavior, lack of effort, not attending classes. Although these could very well be legitimate reasons there may be another cause. In all actuality they may have a learning disability that has not been detected. Therefore parents should never take everything that a teacher says for face value especially if they believe that there is another reason for their child’s lack of success. The readings suggest that perhaps seeking the assistance of the school administration whenever parents don’t agree with a teacher’s diagnosis of a student’s learning problem. Public schools are required to assists parents that have concerns about students that have or may have learning disabilities. When all parties have reached a consensus that there is a greater problem than meets the eye, either psycho-educational testing is begun or the RTI model is initiated. The RTI is simply an intervention that is put in place which helps those students that are struggling with academics and or behavior. In the event that no agreement is reached with the parents, it is the parents can appeal the decision. There needs to be an understanding of what a psycho-evaluation is. Psycho-evaluations are composed of a series of tests that will indicate a child’s abilities as a whole. This includes how a child learns, processes information, and academic level. A very large part of this test is the intelligence
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