Examples Of My Moral Roadmap Essay

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“What Do I Stand For?” September 9, 2012 My Moral Roadmap I have read many times that values and morals are mostly the stuff we learn from our parents and our immediate environments. However, I knew at a young age that the “stuff” I had learned from my parents, was not the morals I would adhere too. The most influential moral person during my childhood years was Charles Ingalls, the father on the Little House on the Prairie television series. Although I know this person is an actor I still feel today that the character portrayed by Michael Landon resonates and still guides me in my own moral walk through life just as some are guided by “what Jesus would do.”What are my deepest moral values and how have they evolved and shaped me to be the person I am today? My Foundation I believe that I still have something to learn about everything. It is this belief that propels me to grow, learn and change, and I am still a work in progress. There are a few moral principles that I am very convicted about and I try to always adhere to them, and if I am successful the rest just seems to fall into place.…show more content…
Just read a few online dating profiles and you will be amazed at how many people profess to be honest and truthful, but yet these same people are divorced due to their own lack of honesty. Truth is not just something I expect from others, I expect it from myself. Now it has been said that our best traits can at times be our worst traits. Honesty is not always the popular choice and I have been told more than once that I am too honest. I have always wondered if it was really possible to be “too

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