What Color Is Your Parachute

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“What Color is Your Parachute?” Let me start by stating that if people are happy in their current position, and feel secure in the direction of their future career goals, this book will not be particularly helpful – but it is not written for people in this situation. However, for people who have found themselves without a job or have become unsure of the career path they have chosen, “What Color is Your Parachute?” has the potential to be quite impactful for their future! The first chapters in “What Color is Your Parachute?”, Bolles provides forty years of expert career counseling advise about how someone can be comfortable with beginning the search and possibly find the job of their dreams. For 170 staff members at BJC their dream job was terminated on June 12, 2013. If someone has never personally experienced downsizing process or even simply witnessed the lay off process at their place of employment, there are no words to describe the injustice those individuals that are totally blind sided by the message are feeling on that particular day in their career. It is basically indescribeable, but I will attempt to give some insight based on a personal experience. People leave their home and arrive at their workplace and begin their daily routine just like every other normal workday in their career. Then at some point during the day they are requested to report to a conference room. Upon entering the room they are handed a letter which states their number of years of service with the organization and a dollar amount of severance that they will receive. Then the management personnel explain that they have arranged for Employee Assistance Personnel and/or a career counselor from Quest Management Consultants to speak with them right now if they chose, all the while they are hovering outside the room. Management is waiting for the displaced worker so they

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