What Can Young People Do to Improve Our Life in Our Society

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What can young people do to improve life in this country Everyone plays a part in nation building, no matter how small the role. In my opinion, everyone is able to contribute to improving life in Britain, even those of my age. Secondary school students are able to improve life in Britain in three main areas - at home, at school and in the community. Firstly, how secondary school students can improve life at home. A student can easily improve life at home, by making his family happier and by minimising the work load of family members, which is essentially improving the quality of life of his or her family members. The student can be polite and filial to his or her parents, as well as kind and understanding towards any siblings. This will ensure a conducive, peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home, and will certainly boost the spirits of his or her family members. Keeping the mind healthy is definitely improving life. Another thing a student can do is to help with the housework at home such as washing dishes, or even if the student is unused to such work, simple things such as not throwing dirty laundry anywhere but instead piled up neatly, or placing dining equipment such as plates, bowls and cutlery into the sink instead of waiting for others to clear up after him or her. This will relieve some stress on family members and thus, improve the quality of life at home as well. Next, secondary school students can improve life in school by helping classmates and teachers with certain work, such as teaching classmates about topics they are unsure of, or helping teacher’s to carry files and books. This will improve their quality of life as they will be able to relax occasionally during a stressful day, or will help improve grades which will in turn, allow that person to be better able to succeed in life. Another way of improving life in school is by working hard. When
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