What Are We Doing to Our Environment and Can We Still Have Good Water Quality?

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What Are We Doing To Our Environment And Can We Still Have Good Water Quality? In today’s society when everyone is so caught up in the problems with the economy due to Wall Street, the housing market and the elected political officials, no one is really paying much attention to what is happening with the environment and how things we have done in the past and present are affecting our environmental and water quality. In this report I will be covering some of the issue could be catastrophic to our environmental & water ecosystem and will affect the world as we know it. The benefits of geological materials have impacted both animals and human health. Attention to how the effects of rocks and minerals could benefit those who have had health problems are constantly being researched and renewed. Two million years ago rocks and minerals were some of the earliest known medicines and were recognized for their health benefits, for example for thousands of years clay has been used as an antidote for poisons. A patent medicine called Terra Sigillate is derived from processing various minerals is an age old antidote that is still utilized today. Many pharmaceutical products today have trace elements of rocks and minerals that are a vital part of modern health care products. In many modern day cultures, it is believed that health ailments can be cured by certain properties of crystals (talismans and amulets). Modern medical applications also use some metals and fragments elements of geological materials to heal or treat ailments. Other examples of how helpful geologic materials are include epidemiological examinations of health problems that Japan uses to help identify specific muscle ailments, hemorrhoids and some burns can be treated with one or more chemically lucid hot springs. China has completed studies that acknowledge residential coal
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