What Are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Constructivist Perspective in Analyzing International Affairs? Why Are Germany and Japan so Different in Understanding International Human Rights Standard Despite the Fact

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The study of international relations has long been dominated by materialist theories. While liberalists characterize the relations as interdependency of international actors and their constrained behaviors, realists explain and predict state behaviors with their desire to sustain survival, preserve security and acquire power. On top of the rationalist rainbow of international relation theories, the rise of constructivism brought a novel ray of colour: the role of idea and the intersubjective nature of relations. This essay attempts to investigate constructivism in two ways. In the first part of the essay, the concept will be evaluated in regards to its strengths and weaknesses. In the second part of the essay, an analysis of international affairs will be illustrated. In light of the difference between Japan and Germany in understanding human right standard, the constructivist approach will be adopted in finding out the causes. Definition of Constructivism Constructivism is defined as an approach to analyze and explain international politics by focusing on the influence of ideas and human consciousness (Barnett, 2011). From the constructivist perspective, international relations are largely historically and socially contingent. Actors’ identity and structures of the international system are mutually constitutive. Identity and interests are constructed under a holistic structure, while the interaction under the structure simultaneously reproduces and transform the structure. The rise of constructivism added a new ray to the prolonged rationalist rainbow of international relation analysis. It carries a new color contrasting other learned approaches, but it is not flawless. Its strengths and weaknesses are evaluated as follows. Strengths of Constructivism i) Different Social Construction Explains Inconsistency First, by pointing out the construed

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