What Are the Major Factors That Bring Changes Within Modern Chinese?

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Chinese is one of the language which belonging to Sino-Tibetan; it is one of the oldest languages systems in the world, it also one of the popular language systems in the world. Chinese is the language system which starting very early but with late development. The modern Chinese is established on the ancient Chinese. The Common language of China is based on the Northern dialect, in order to pronounce in Beijing accent as the stander Mandarin. Today I will talk about the changes of the lexical, phonological and the characters of modern Chinese, also the how Japan influence on modern Chinese. Firstly, tone is one of the main features of the Chinese language. Chinese generally have four tones, according to Wikipedia Tone (linguistics)”Chinese tones are distinguished by their shape (contour), most syllables carry their own tone, and many words are differentiated solely by tone”. (2008)Therefore the tones are played in the Chinese which is use to identify meaning of the word. The Ancient and modern voices of Chinese are different, it is often overlooked by people, and in fact the difference between ancient and modern sounds is great. The terminal sound ‘g, d, b’ of ancient voice are totally different with the modern voice. The rhyme tail g, d, b, of ancient Chinese have been lost in modern Mandarin, now it is ending with a vowel sound of the word. For example: there are three kinds of nasal phonology tail in ancient Chinese which are nɡ, n, m. In modern Mandarin it combined the m and n tail together , So now its only left nɡ, n those two kind of rhyme tail. The change of tone system is one of the most important developments in modern Chinese. “古入声字”(Gu ru sheng zi) which is the pronunciation of ancient Chinese, in modern Mandarin it has disappeared, however, in some individual dialects they still preserved it as apart of the tone. Such as Cantonese dialect they

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