What Are the Effects of the Use of the Stream of Consciousness Technique in "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce?

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Introduction Stream of consciousness is, in its simplest terms, “the expression of thoughts and feelings in writing exactly as they pass through your mind without the usual structure they have in formal writing.” In departing from conventional ways of conveying the thoughts of the protagonist, streams of consciousness is effectively used to draw the reader in by bringing them closer to the protagonist's mind, allowing us to better understand the character through unhindered thought by gaining direct access to their raw and private “thoughts.” James Joyce is an early proponent of this technique, which began surfacing in modernist fiction by other authors such as Virginia Woolf and Dorothy Richardson. Joyce, an Irish writer used this technique extensively in his novels and poems one of which being "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", a semi-autobiography of his own life and journey as a young man through the persona of Stephen Dedalus. The stream of consciousness technique not only brings the reader closer to Stephan’s train of thought. This technique is also a perfect way to express development of Stephan from a boy to a young man. Also, with the stream of consciousness technique in constant use throughout the novel, the epiphanies Stephan experiences become more realistic and has a greater impact on the reader than if were attempted through conventional techniques of writing. In this essay, we will be further exploring these uses of the stream of consciousness technique, in “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” by James Joyce and the effects thereof. Body The stream of consciousness technique brings the reader psychologically closer to Stephen’s mind. The nature of this technique allows readers to gain access to raw, unedited thoughts of the protagonist; therefore readers are able to better understand the character. This is in

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