Wes Moore Essay

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I chose topic A for the unit one paper. I am going to compare the two frames of reference from “Wes Moore’s” by analyzing each man’s perceptions. I am going to talk about each man’s experiences and their views on those experiences. In addition, I will explain how they reacted in complicated situation. Each Wes Moore was born and raised in a different situation as well as different neighborhoods. That is an important point because, I could observe the education that each Wes Moore received in their respective homes. Also, I could grasp how their education affected their circumstances, bad in one respect and good in the other. The successful Wes Moore was raised in a family where they tried to give him the best education. They believed that a good education would allow Wes to be successful in life. Additionally, he lost his father when he was really young. His father was a good journalism, and Wes Moore used his father to inspire himself to be successful. Being the only man in his family, the successful Wes Moore had to be more mature. He had to care for himself and his family at a young age. More or less his unique situation made him successful. The other Wes Moore was not as successful. In contrast, the other Wes Moore was raised in a family where drugs and alcohol were always at home. The other Wes Moore had an alcoholic father, an absent mother, and his brother Tony was a drug dealer. Tony knew that being a drug dealer was not a good way of life, and did not want his brother to follow in his footsteps. Also, Tony tried to get the other Wes Moore a good education, because he knew that a good education would give Wes a chance at success. But Wes did not choose the path his brother wanted him to take. Eventually, the other Wes Moore got involved with drugs because everyone he knew was involved in the drug world. Each Wes Moore had different ways of perceiving
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