Week 1 Case Studies 1.1 & 1.2

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Week 1 Case Studies Barbara Carter Case1.1 Made in the U.S.A.-Dumped in Brazil, Africa, Iraq…. U.S. companies are profiting from the overseas sales of dangerous products that threaten the health and safety of millions of people all over this world. After the discovery of the TRIS dump investigations, President Jimmy Carter signed Executive Order 12264 on Jan. 15, 1981, to rein in companies that export toxic pesticides, drugs and other products the federal government won't allow to be sold here. This nation has an obligation, Carter said, “not to export to unsuspecting nations products which we ourselves would not allow in our country." (Scanlan, 1991) “The Carter executive order had four major parts. First, to improve the export notice procedures already required. Second, was annual publication of a summary of U.S. government actions banning or severely restricting substances for domestic use. Third, it directed the State Department and other federal agencies to participate in the development of international hazard alert systems. Fourth, it established procedures whereby formal export licensing controls would be placed upon a very limited number of "extremely hazardous substances" that represented a serious threat to human health or the environment, and the export of which would threaten U.S. foreign policy interests. Export licenses for such substances would be granted only in "exceptional cases" where the importing country when fully informed, had no objection.” (Scherr, 1982) Soon after when Reagan took the Presidency, he revoked this order, and the tears since the U.S. government has given the exporters of hazardous products a free pass to do so, and has led to the double standards we have today in health and trade issues. This has created what is referred to as the “The Boomerang Dump”, chemicals that are found in our foods that are imported from
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