Weather vs Climate

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Weather vs. Climate People often confuse the two terms weather and climate, they may have the same basic idea but they categorize and utilize different types of information. Overall, the basic understanding between the differences of weather and climate will help our overall understanding of such terms that are used in our daily lives. Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere, because of this it is short term usually spanning from a few days to a couple of weeks. Weather can be thought of the way the atmosphere is behaving at a certain moment therefore changing on a daily basis. Some places around the world experience weather changes every hour, so weather is for a short term and changes rapidly. Other key notes to keep in mind about weather is that it can be associated by other familiar terms like temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, humidity , visibility, brightness, wind, and atmospheric pressure, as in high and low pressure. Climate on the other hand is the description of long-term patterns of weather in a particular area, meaning the overall average weather of a particular region over a long period. Climate change varies much more differently then short-term weather, in fact, climate change is taken in change of years, decades and even centuries, it’s much more of a long term change. When someone tries to figure out the climate of a specific region most likely the information they would need to be obtaining are the average of precipitations, temperatures, humidity’s, sunshine, wind velocity and other measures of the weather that occur over a long period in a particular place to get a valid reading. Climate takes a longer time to obtain readings from since it’s the total average temperature over a couple of years in a certain region. Important differences between weather and climate is that weather is much more of instantaneous and
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