We See and Understand Things Not as They Are, but as We Are.

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The existence of an object or a person is not to be discussed because logic tells us that whatever it is that we are seeing is real, and everybody knows that. Yet, the real difference lies in how each person sees it. Why do some people like fish and others don't? Why do some people think a dress is pretty and others consider it ugly? This is all due to each individual's point of view. As Damasio believes: "The key to consciousness lies, no surprise, in emotion, decision-making, and our perception of our own bodies" (1). This means that there are many ways to see things, for example; a bag. Some people might like its shape, others its color, and others might like it just because it was made by their favorite designer, considering this, only half of the people would actually buy the bag. Points of view mostly depend on two things: (i) How a person was brought up (ii) The environment that surrounds the person and the influence other people have on a person. Each person is brought up in different way, and since they were a kid, they were exposed to parents' and friends' ways of seeing things and perceiving the world. Growing up, these ideas and ways of thinking grow up with them and consequently remain permanent in their mind. In other cases, parents desperately try to inculcate their point of view into their child's mind and ultimately cause them to grow up closed-minded and unable to explore the different sides of reason. Another side effect of trying to impose a specific way of knowing to their child could be that they decide to rebel and choose to see things in exactly the opposite way as the one they feel "forced" to follow. It's not casual that siblings either feel and think the same way or exactly the opposite way, it all depends on how they reacted to their parents' influence. The environment and the people that surround a person are a very big influence on

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