Way of the World vs. School of Scandal

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ENG 205 MW 4-6 2/25/10 Way of the World Versus School of Scandal William Congreve’s Way of the World and Ricahard Brinsley Sheridan’s School for Scandal are very similar yet written almost a century apart. Way of the World was written in 1700 with School for Scandal following seventy years later. Both plays are comedies about rich, selfish people who go to any means to get what they want, no matter who they hurt in the process. What makes these plays humorous are the ridiculousness of the characters and their ideas on life. Congreve and Sheridan both had similar ideas about women and marriage portrayed in their plays, as well as character types, reputations, and deception. Congreve portrayed some of the women in his play as gossipers who would do anything they could do to ruin people’s lives. Lady Wishfort and Mrs. Marwood would stop at nothing to keep anybody from being truly happy, especially Mirabell. Mrs. Marwood plotted against Mirabell and made up lies to tear him down, because she loved Mirabell and wanted him for herself. She sent an anonymous letter to Lady Wishfort: “I will contrive a letter which shall be delivered to my lady at the time when that rascal who is to act Sir Rowland is with her. It shall come as from an unknown hand – for the less I appear to know of the truth, the better I can play the incendiary. Besides, I would not have Foible provoked if I could help it, because you know she knows some passages – nay, I expect all will come out. But let the mine be sprung first, and then I care not if I am discovered” (2260). Mrs. Marwood wanted to ruin Mirabell’s plan for obtaining Lady Wishfort’s permission to marry Millamant. Congreve wanted to show that these characters were petty, jealous, and cared more about their reputation and status than anything else. Sheridan portrayed women similarly to Congreve. His characters
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