Was World War 2 the Result of Hitler's Master Plan ?

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World War II was the result of Hitler's “master” plan. Adolf's master plan consisted of taking over the world with the power of his philosophy called Nazism. Nazism is a German National Socialist party. He was very clear about his views and goals of the future world. Hitler expressed that Germans were superior and all other races were irrelevant. Germany expressed this belief towards the United States And Jewish civilians. He enforced this belief once he first started his rule. Thus, resulted foreign policy. In his foreign policy, it stated to destroy the Treaty of Versailles, which was what Germany had to adhere to due to their defeat in World War II. It also stated to unite all German speakers to one country and to expand eastwards into the east, which was Poland and Russia, to gain land for Germany. Germany was looking for a comeback. They wanted revenge. Hitler started to go into different parts of Europe to gain more territory. France and Great Britain did not agree with what was happening. So Great Britain and France had a few short battles involving Germany. While all of this is happening, the United States was starting to mind their own business and not get involved with other countries issues. The United States seen this as a helpful thing. There was less stress amongst the United States. Hitler was praised like a god in Germany. He started new beliefs, books, philosophies and so on. It was as though he was starting a whole new
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