Walking Backwards Essay

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The norm I decided to violate was to walk backwards for a whole day. Doing this was very difficult and people’s reactions varied. Why I chose to do this was because I’ve never walked backwards before, let alone a whole day, and because no one ever does it. I would walk around my house backwards, in stores backwards, outside backwards, everywhere! I never knew how hard it was to do that. People would stare at me and give me weird looks. A couple of times I ran into people and they would get mad at me and ask what the hell I was doing. I had to tell them that I was doing something for my sociology class, and then they wouldn’t be as mad. At home my mom and brother’s reaction was surprised and they thought that I couldn’t do it for a whole day. Also at home, I would walk down and up the stairs backwards, which was extremely difficult to do and a little strange. My brother would keep saying watch out for this or that trying to trick me into hitting something. When I was with my friends their reactions were to laugh at me and call me a weirdo. Sometimes they tried to do it with me as well and other times they’d purposely go behind me and get on all fours then make me fall over. Another thing they would do would be to run ahead to make me run backwards, which got on my nerves a lot. At the end of the day I was proud to say that I had accomplished this norm-violating thing. I was happy that I chose to do this and overall had an exciting time doing it. Although some people’s reactions towards it were sometimes mean or unhappy with it, the times that people made thought it was clever or funny made the experiment that much more
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