Vocabulary Questions On Homer's 'The Odyssey'

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Name The Odyssey Vocabulary List Book I Book II Book III Muse (1) pined (20) broach (35) plundered (1) lament (21) pillage (38) regaled (2) requite (23) harangued (39) steadfast (4) lucid (27) insidious (41) Book IV Book V Book VI lithe (53) pungent (83) oblivion (99) colonnade (62) adversity (87) supplication (103) insolence (68) torrential (89) brash (105) pensive (77) estuary (94) cantering (108) Book VII Book VIII Book IX ramparts (112) throng (125) guile (145) victuals (116) conspicuous (132) beholden (153) provender…show more content…
Who are the first three people Odysseus meets in the land of Death? 2. "Only my loneliness for you, . . ./ for your kind heart and counsel, . . . took my own life away." (p. 191). What does Antikleía mean? 3. What does Teirêsias predict? What Greek concept/value does this support? 4. List three Greeks in the land of Death who had fought alongside of Odysseus in the Trojan war. Book XII 1. Why does Odysseus put wax in the crew's ears? What danger does Odysseus face after passing the Seirênês? 2. How do Odysseus' men get into trouble on Thrinákia? How many survived? 3. "'Nine days I drifted in the open sea/ before I made shore, buoyed up by the gods,/ upon Ogygia Isle.'" (p. 224) Who does Odysseus meet there? Book XIII 1. How does Odysseus end up back in Ithaka, sleeping on the beach? 2. Why are the Phaiákians punished—and how? 3. "The landscape then looked strange, unearthly strange/ to the lord Odysseus" (p. 236) Why? 4. How does Athena disguise Odysseus and where does she send him? 5. Insight: Who will be the first to recognize Odysseus? What will his/her reaction be? Book
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