Vitamin C Content in Juices

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Core Practical – Key points Investigation Title - Experiment to compare The Vitamin C content in juices. Planning- Hypothesis * To find out if the content of Vitamin C in different juices is different * If so measure the Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content in different juices. * To determine which juice has the most vitamin C * To determine whether it’s true that Citrus fruit juices will contain more vitamin C than apple or blackcurrant etc. juices Null hypothesis * Content of vitamin C same in all the juices Scientific basis for hypothesis – remember you must also evaluate ALL your sources The orange juices and citrus fruit juices will have more vitamin C because they are rich in vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid whereas juices like apple juice would have a lower content of vitamin C because of ingredients and for how long they have been stored, it could even be different for different manufacturers. Statistical test What test will you use and why? How will it influence your experiment design? There were no statistical tests carried out. Independent variable * What is it? Type of juice * How IV will be changed? As different juices were used, every juice would have different vitamin C content. Dependent variable * What is it? The volume of juice required to decolourise 1cm3 of DCPIP * How DV will be measured? Every juice will have a different content of Vitamin C. Therefore the volume of juice to decolourise 1cm3 of DCPIP will be different for every juice. It will be measured by taking 2cm3 of juice in a syringe and the dropping it drop by drop and shaking the beaker gently until a visible decolourisation of DCPIP Controlled Variables * List them 1. 1cm3 of DCPIP 2. Concentration of DCPIP solution (1%) * How they will be controlled 1. I measured out

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