Visionary Leader Essay

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Abstract Gandhi is a true visionary leader because he exhibits traits, characteristics, behaviors and style which, exemplify an effective leader. Some of the leadership traits he has included being humble, having emotional intelligence, as well as being a participative leader. In addition, he had a relationship oriented behavior and acted as a servant leader. He had a vision for his people and he achieved these stated goals during his lifetime. Gandhi helped Indians gain independence from the British. Amongst his own people, he fought for additional equal treatment of the poor. He had a vision to move towards independence and equality and he made huge strides towards these goals .India credits Gandhi as being one of their founding fathers. Mahatma Gandhi, the Great Visionary Leader “By re-creating himself, through the power of his passion, in the humble, vulnerable image of India's poorest starving naked millions, Gandhi could, when moved to do so by his ‘inner voice,’ call upon that unarmed ragged army, whose pain he mirrored and magnified in his own naked body, to follow him barefoot up India's Via Dolorosa to freedom. And countless millions unhesitatingly did follow him, not as a modern political leader, nor as a medieval native prince or martial maharaja, but as their own Mahatma, India's “Great Soul.”–Stanley Wolpert (2001) Biography Mahatma Gandhi is a true visionary leader and is considered the father of the Indian independence movement. He promoted change for his nation, but tried to achieve this change in a non-violent way. He had numerous goals as a leader. His primary goal was to reduce discrimination and inequity towards Indians as well as for Indian’s poorest class of people. In addition, he aimed to free India from British rule. Gandhi was born in October of 1869; a half a century after the British took rule
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