Vision Quest And Women Essay

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Vision Quests and Women When we talked about the Vision Quests in class, related to Native American Religions, it was something that sounded interesting to me. Our textbook for class defines Vision Quest as simply, “Exercises undertaken by Native Americans seeking contact with the spirit world.” (Hopfe, 2012) Vision Quests are usually ventured into by younger individuals, and more specifically young men, when they are approaching puberty. From the time Native American children are young and can understand, they are told that someday they will be sent away to live by themselves, away from family, in a state of prayer and humility until they receive a vision. Usually the youth on the vision quest will have to fast and have no clothes…show more content…
Although visions quests can be undertaken by young men or women, the ones of women are rarely mentioned or even documented throughout history. When researching the subject I was able to find a sample of information regarding how the vision quest of young women differed from that of young…show more content…
Of course these are supervised and organized and can carry a cost of around $2,000. An organization called Rites of Passage offers vision quests for couples, men only, women only, and youth only. The women only vision quest does typically consist of women who are feminists, yet not all are. It is really a time for women to feel empowered and to be able to openly discuss items that only pertain to women without feeling uncomfortable or embarrassed. Women tend to bond more quickly and are typically able to let their guards down much more easily and quickly than men. The last sentence on this page of the website boasts, “Empowerment, resourcefulness, humility and freedom are just some of the rewards that we all experience. Women deserve this.” (Women's Vision Quest: Rites of Passage,

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