Vision And Goal Setting

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The Importance of Vision and Goal Setting in Leadership The Importance of Vision and Goal Setting in Leadership Vision and goal setting are two of the most important factors in leadership. It is very important for each and every organization to have a vision of the future. Clark (2004) states, “Good organizations convey a strong vision of where they will be in the future. As a leader, you have to get your people to trust you and be sold on your vision” (p.1.). It is very important for every leader to gain trust from their employees. Employees, who trust their leadership, are far more willing to share in and work towards reaching goals. They are even more passionate about helping their organization accomplish its vision. Employees need to feel needed and have an idea of where they are going. As a leader, it is important to make sure that all goals set are realistic and attainable. They should be set to benefit the organization in all aspects of accomplishing its vision. One of the articles chosen for this assignment, “Leading and Leadership,” talks about six steps of goal setting. The first step talks about developing a vision. It is important to know where you are going as an organization. A leader must develop a vision with a positive attitude and be ready to present it with energy. They must also be effective in communicating that vision to their employees, who in turn will work together to achieve that vision. The second step talks about the importance of goal setting. An effective leader with a positive attitude will have an easier time with the goal setting aspect. The third step talks about using objectives to help turn your visions into reality. Setting objectives allows an organization to move towards their vision. Step four talks about determining tasks. Clark (2004) states, “Tasks are the means for accomplishing objectives. Tasks are

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