Virtual Classroom Essay

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Running head: A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM – PLUG INTO LEARNING A Virtual Classroom Plug into Learning Martina Wilson Applied Management Project – MGNT 4800 Professor Radcliff Table of Content Title Page Number Abstract 3 Introduction 4 Background information Current challenges Multigenerational workforce Purpose of study Summary Literature Review Power company background Power company workforce Defining world events Traditionalists / Baby boomers Generation X Millenials Factors for success Accept and embrace generational differences Invest in the right technology Impact on instructors Impact on developers Workforce engagement Workforce training challenges Web based technology Technology application Case studies Market Source HomeBanc Alternatives Proposal Summary Abstract A Virtual Classroom- Plug into Learning Introduction Background information: The Power Company serves 2.25 million customers. One of the most important relationships of the Power Company is the relationship between its customers and its employees. There are over 9,000 employees who are expected to keep the lights on, respond promptly, keep commitments and think like the customer. Customer Service Training and Development is the organization within the Power Company responsible for training the Customer Service workforce. The organization conducts both customer service system technical training and customer service policy and procedure training. Current challenges: Currently employees receive training in traditional instructor led classrooms usually in a central location. However, traditional classroom training is not an efficient way to train the workforce and reveals many challenges. One challenge is the impact on productivity. Time away from the

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