Violence In Television

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“The Idiot Box that shows and talks” “By: Bedig Hindoyian” The square-shaped TV set, connected to an antenna or a receiver plays the role of a criminal behind four walls, a ceiling and a floor, going unnoticed. Since the advent of television, the effect of TV violence on society has been widely studied and vigorously debated. The etymology of the word has a mixed Latin and Greek origin, meaning "far sight": Greek tele, far, and Latin visio, sight (from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person). By the onset on the 20th century, the Television started creeping and settling inside every house and in every corner silently manipulating its way into society. As a chisel is hammered betwixt a log to break into parts, the TV stage-managed the weakest point in humans for its own benefit and slowly nibbling at the foundations of social stands as if cankers eating up a flower. Unfortunately, the inventor (the human), lies at the jeopardy of his own creation unaware, and if aware, his children being exposed to moral, verbal, physical and violence on the boob-tube going unnoticed. Television is a medium with great potential to influence the lives of children and adolescents. However, the bulk of prior research regarding the impact of television viewing on children and adolescents has focused on possible negative influences of television. For example, there is ample research suggesting that watching violence on television contributes to aggressiveness in children and adolescents. Research has also reported links between television content and adolescents’ sexual behaviors and attitudes. Recent research has shown that an average American teenager spends around four daily watching television and around three hours playing video games; the television can be a powerful influence in developing their own character, values and shaping their behavior.
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