Violence At Workplace

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Abstract Violence in the workplace is problem that can seriously hurt or even kill employees and customers. Violence can affect the reputation of a company and permanently damage the lives of the victims and their families. On the summer day in July of 1991 in the case of Michel Rahming this is exactly what happened. Michel Rahming one day came to work with a gun and opened fire killing one person and wounding others. Could this have been avoided? What causes violence in the work place? What can employers do to protect themselves, their companies, and the livelihoods of their customers and employees? Many organizations have come up with preventive trainings to help companies deal with such issues along with literature on how to tell if employees are becoming disgruntled and to handle a problem before it escalates. Violence in the work place will continue to be an issue as people are always bound to get upset once in a while, the job of the employer is to try to keep the employee in check and make sure he or she can control his or her anger. Ethical Issues The ethical issues in this case are violence in the work place, how to handle such situations, and the legal aspects of the case. In the case of Michael Rahming, a disgruntled painter who had gotten into many disagreements and arguments with other people, claimed that he was mistreated at the work place. Michael Rahming was allowed to continue to work due to the evaluations stating that he was fit to work after examined by three different psychiatric evaluations. In July of 1991 Michel Rahming went on a shooting rampage killing one and wounding others (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2006, p. 709).This tragedy is hard to take lightly and issues in the work place as far as being mistreated, harassed, and abused could lead to such tendencies. Moreover, the other ethical issue arises in the trial phase of this

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