Vernacular Architecture Essay

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TITLE: AN EXAMINATION ON VERNACULAR CONSTRUCTION METHODS AS A TOOL TO ENHANCE SUSTAINABLE RURAL SETTLEMENTS (CASE OF GANGARE, BIKITA) AUTHOR: TENDAI DZINGAI R095341B 1.1 INTRODUCTION Vernacular construction originated when people were forced to make use of the natural resources around them and provide shelter and comfort which is responsive to the climate. Historically, the buildings were built by local people without benefit of layout plans or house plans. According to Edward, (2011), approximately 90% of all vernacular structures are built by ordinary people with neither knowledge on architecture nor designed plans. Kellet, (2005) defines vernacular architecture as structures built of local materials in a functional style devised to meet the needs of the people in their time and place. The type of building designs are influenced by the people’s culture, geographic location, climate……….. In the African setup vernacular architecture is mainly dominant on housing provision and these structures are usually clustered. In Zimbabwean rural settlements, typical housing designs are laid out in different ways depending on the tribe culture and in some instances family ties. However, in most Shona rural villages in Zimbabwe, scattered pole and dagga huts under thatch are a common sight though asbestos roofed and cemented houses are now also appearing. 1.2 BACKGROUND Since the eighteenth century, vernacular architecture has been a recurring research subject in ethnography and anthropological studies. Focus was mainly on the social and cultural aspects of vernacular architecture. However, recent studies have now centred on the sustainable building agenda whereby vernacular construction methods have been authenticated as a means to achieving sustainable modern building. Globally, knowledge of vernacular practices especially the benefits of vernacular construction has

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