Veganism Essay

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“Veganism is the practice of eliminating the use by human beings of non-human animal products. Ethical vegans reject the commodity status of animals and the use of animal products for any purpose, while dietary vegans or strict vegetarians eliminate them from their diet only” (Wikipedia, 2010) The first time I heard the word “VEGAN”, I thought of someone who only ate vegetables and didn’t think of veganism as a lifestyle. There are many different types of vegans. There are people who choose the lifestyle for dietary reasons or to lose weight, and there are also people who choose the vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons. Vegetarians are strictly people who do not eat meat, eggs or dairy. Vegans take vegetarianism to a different extreme. Vegans do not eat any item that comes from an animal. This includes any meat from an animal, seafood, eggs, dairy, and even honey. Some people choose veganism for dietary reasons. It can help protect against obesity, diabetes arthritis and also heart diseases. Ethical vegans do not eat any products that are made from or by animals but also do not use any other products that are from animals, such as leather, wool and silk. Beeswax, bone char, gelatin and lard are also products from animals that ethical vegans do not use. Vegan diets must be planned out thoroughly because many vegan dishes are low in vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, iron, zinc, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. There are many things that vegans can use to substitute for meat products or products made from animals. Many vegans eat a lot of tofu which can be flavored to taste like any food you can think of. Dairy products can be substituted by using almond, grain or soy milk. Applesauce can replace eggs in many baking dishes. There are many substitutes for meaty products as well. Many health food stores sell varieties of chicken nuggets, bacon strips, veggie

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