Values and All Port Vernon's Classification of Values

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Q1. Define Values. Critically evaluate “Allport Vernon” Classifications of values. How values effect the business processes. A1. Values are the enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence. Not everyone holds the same set of values and beliefs. Values have a great impact on an individual’s perceptions, hence, they lay the foundation for a better understanding of attitudes and motivation of an individual. Values shape inter-personal relationships, behaviors, and choices that a person makes. “Allport Vernon” Classifications of values Allport –Vernon and his associates categorized values into six major types as follows: 1. Theoretical values: Interest in the discovery of truth through reasoning and systematic thinking. 2. Economic values: Interest in usefulness and practicality, including the accumulation of wealth. 3. Aesthetic values: Interest in beauty, form and artistic harmony. 4. Social values: Interest in people and human relationships. 5. Political values: Interest in gaining power and influencing other people. 6. Religious values: Interest in unity and understanding the cosmos as a whole. If we use this classification to understand the employee behavior, then it can be used to enhance the performance and the satisfaction level of the employees. Different people attach different level of importance to above mentioned value types. This gives a better insight to understanding the behaviour of people. People in different occupations have different value systems which has led organizations to improve the values-job fit in order to increase employee performance and satisfaction. The Allport-Vernon Study of Values, however, has one possible pitfall. It measures the relative importance of above mentioned

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