Using Listening Skills to Resolve Conflict

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Using Listening Skills to Resolve Conflict Abstract Because of the multicultural makeup of our society we often need to deal with conflict in group settings. After reading and researching various sources I have come to the conclusion the critical listings skills are the key in resolving conflict in a group dynamic. When critical listening skills are used not only does it help to resolve the conflict it brings the team closer and helps the individuals involved. Critical listening skills are the most important skills needed in conflict resolution. Using Listening Skills to Resolve Conflict Because we live in a multicultural society we work and interact with diverse groups of people with diverse viewpoints. Conflict arises many times because of misunderstandings and the inability to understand what another person in really saying. Because to this learning to listen critically is the key skill needed to be successful in conflict resolution in a group dynamic. The key skill needed to be successful in conflict resolution in a group dynamic is learning to listen critically. Before we can solve any problems we need to understand some of the causes of conflicts in groups and what exactly conflict is. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines conflict as “competitive or opposing action of incompatibles: antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons), mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands”. Now that we have a better understanding of what conflict actually is we can look into some of the underlying causes in a group dynamic. The reasons for conflict within a group can be as varied as the individuals that comprise the group. Some of the more common reasons for conflict in a group setting are stress, different belief systems, different values, and poor

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