Using Animals for Science Research Is a Form of Cruelty

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By 2005, there were about 2.9 million scientific experiments carried out on animals. It is controversial that whether using animals for science research is a form of cruelty towards them. Since the similarities between human's biology and the animal's one, it is presumably that protection and improvement of the health and welfare of either human or animals are contributed by the research involving animals. New drug research is conducted to assure the quality and efficacy of pharmaceutical products, by which the new drug can be introduced as clinical practice. However, as stated by Tom Regan, "end do not justify the means," that is the means causing the animals to suffer are not justified by the ends namely the increase in biological knowledge or the relief of human suffering. It is moral unjustifiable for the use of animals on scientific fields. Feelings of animals could not be ignored, and they should not be introduced to suffer in the experiments. Even some people would argue that drug test before using on human help diminish the pain and suffer to humans, but it is never applicable for using animals for cosmetics testing. Using animals for cosmetics testing experiments are commonly practiced to measure the levels of skin irritancy, eye tissue damage, and toxicity caused by various substances used in the manufacture of cosmetics. For example, some hair products like shampoo, caustic substances are placed in the eyes of conscious rabbits to evaluate damage to sensitive eye tissues. This is absolutely a torture for the rabbits, since they scream when being applied the substances and sometimes break their necks or backs trying to escape the restraints. It is never a humane treatment to the animals, and be tolerable to use them for the sake of aesthetics. In fact, there are alternatives to cosmetics testing on animals, for instance, using synthetic skin called

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