Unitary, Federal and Confederate Systems

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Unitary Government – It is often described as a centralized government. It is a government in which all powers held by the government belong to a single, central agency. The central government creates local units of government for its own convenience. Most government in the world are unitary. Great Britain is an illustration of the type. A single cental organ – the Parliament- holds all the power of the British government. Local governments do exist but solely to relieve Parliament of burdens it could perform only with difficulty and inconvenience. ADVANTAGES 1. Uniform policies, laws, political, enforcement, administration throughout the country 2. Less duplication of services and fewer conflicts between national and local governments 3. Greater unity and stability DISADVANTAGES 1. Central government out of touch with local concerns 2. Slow in meeting local problems 3. If the central government gets too involved in local problems it may not meet the needs of all its citizens Federal Government 1. Powers are distributed between the centre and the units. L 2. Both the centre and the units have separate government. 3. It must have a written and rigid constitution. 4. A special federal judiciary should be there to interpret the constitution. Demerits 1. It is inefficient because of diversity of law and administration. 2. There is always a tug-of- war between national and local interests. 3. It is highly expensive. Merits l.It is suitable for countries having a diversity of race, religion and language. 2. Local needs are met with effectively. 3. Responsibilities of the central government are lessened. 4. People get training in the art of self-government. 5. Small states can have dignity and be safe from foreign ag­gression. ____________ Confederate Government – A confederate government is an alliance of
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