· Threatening behaviour (including verbal and emotional threats). · Controlling and manipulating behaviour especially of those who are vulnerable. · Bullying. · Swearing and shouting. · Behaviour designed to produce fear or insecurity.
Unit 205 1.1 -Define the following types of abuse: – physical abuse – sexual abuse – emotional/psychological abuse – financial abuse – institutional abuse – self-neglect – neglect by others Physical abuse – including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication Sexual abuse – including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography. Psychological abuse – including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, lack of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse. Financial abuse – including theft, fraud, bullying in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions. Self-neglect – this covers a wide range of behaviour neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding. Neglect is a form of mistreatment by individuals resulting from inadequate attention, especially through carelessness or disregard for the needs of others.
Emotional/psychological abuse, this could be bullying, threatening behaviour, lowering self esteem, exploitation, verbal abuse and swearing. Financial Abuse, this could be theft of money or valuables, misappropriate use of a person's finances and denying access to a person's finances. Institutional Abuse, this could be the misuse of authority over a vulnerable person in a health and social care setting, failure to maintain professional boundaries, inappropriate use of medication, physical restraint, and lack of privacy, humiliation and bullying. Self-neglect, this could be self-harming behaviour like refusing to eat or drink, neglecting personal hygiene or toilet needs and actual body harm like cutting oneself. Neglect by others, this could be not taking care of the basic needs of an individual like toileting, washing, feeding and personal care.
Bruises, finger marks, fractures, dislocations, scratches, cuts, pressure sores, black eyes, scalds, cigarette burns, history of unexplained injuries, accidental overdose, poisoning, deterioration in health, weight loss, soiled clothing/bedding, inappropriate clothing, mood changes, not wanting to be alone with certain individuals. Sexual abuse A sexual act is carried out without the consent or understanding of the individual. Bruises, scratches, bite marks, changes in sexual behaviours, sexual abuse to others, self-injury, destructive behaviour, alcohol/drug abuse, suicide attempts, withdrawn, aggression, tearful, anxiety, infections, pregnancy, abdominal pain, frequent masturbation, changes in behaviours, weight gain/loss, changes in appearance. Emotional / psychological abuse Individuals being bullied, controlled, intimidated or taken advantage of individuals. Needs being ignored, reports of shouting, screaming, swearing, scared of raised voices, distressed, being teased, being humiliated, un respected, not being given choice, opinion, dignity, privacy, being undermined.
Signs and symptom of physical abuse: cuts and grazes Hitting and kicking Pain and marks Burns and bruises Giving medication that may harm withdrawal from daily activities and social contact Disciplining in an inappropriate way Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse is when a vulnerable adult pressurized or forced to taking part into any sexual activities. Being forced to have sex and looking at sexual pictures or videos. Signs and symptom of sexual abuse: Genital itching and soreness Behaving in a sexually inappropriate way Changes in appearance Using bad language Having sexually transmitted disease Sexually transmitted disease Depression and lack of self esteem Emotional/psychological abuse: Emotional abuse is putting you down, when someone is shouting at you or making you feel bad and upset. When someone making threats about someone or something. Signs and symptom of emotional/psychological abuse: Bullying Humiliation Verbal abuse Being withdrawn and upset Not being able to concentrate and focus Unexplained fear and agitated Unusual behavior Nervous and confusion Financial abuse: Financial abuse is someone is tries to misuse a person funds and obtaining property without their consent.
Gemma Lee Unit 4: Principles of safe guarding and protection in health and social care. 1.1 There is several type of abuse. Physical abuse, which results in physical pain, This includes the use of physical force, hitting, beating, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, punching and burning. Sexual abuse, which is inflicted by un-consensual sexual contact and can range from derogatory name claiming, to causing unwanted physical pain during sex Caused by, deliberate isolation, humiliation and intimidation, Emotional/psychological abuse is also another form of abuse, and can lead to depression and anxiety. Financial abuse is inflicted by stealing somebody else’s good, property or money, for example, a carer stealing from a vulnerable service user, be it money or possessions.
The symptoms can include overly sexualised behaviour, self harm, anxiety, depression, urinary infections, or being withdrawn when in social settings. Emotional Abuse: When a person is subject to abuse in the form of name calling, insults, bullying and general mistreatment that would affect their emotional wellbeing. People who experience emotional abuse can become withdrawn, have a low self worth, loss of trust, and depression. Financial Abuse: When a person abuses another person for monetary gain. Things that can constitute as financial abuse are stealing, borrowing money or property without the person’s knowledge or permission, and denying access to a person’s finances.
Sexual abuse happens when a service user is involved in sexual activities that he/she doesn’t understand, have not consented or which violate the sexual taboos of family custom and practice Signs: soreness, bruising or bleeding around the genital area, the service user may withdraw from us when we touch them or they may hit us in an attempt to protect themselves. Emotional/Psychological abuse relates to any action that damages an individual’s mental well-being and development, causing him/her emotional distress, e.g. verbal abuse, including badgering, coercing, provoking or frightening actions or making someone undertake or witness acts which are personally distasteful Signs: the service user may be distressed, frightened, nervous, irritable or very withdrawn and reluctant to hold a conversation. Financial abuse is the misuse of an individual’s money or personal possessions or any resources of a vulnerable person. Signs: the service user may appear worried, irritable, frighten to engage in conversation because of the pressure he/she is facing.
Sexual abuse Is an act of forcing sexual activity onto another without consent and against their will. Using threats or coercion to get sexual activity that is improper or harmful to another person. For example: Rape or sexual assault, masturbation, sexual harassment, penetration or attempted penetration, indecent exposure. ? Emotional/psychological abuse Is any act of abuse, in any abuse situation the victim is caused both emotional and psychological distress.
1.1 Define the following types of abuse Physical abuse: Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, or scalding, drowning, suffocating or anything that can cause harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer falsifies the symptoms or may deliberately cause a child to have ill health; this can be known as Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy. Sexual abuse: sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape or beggary) or non-penetrative acts.