Unit 9 Qcf Level 2

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Unit 9 1.1 The definition of person centered values is to ensure that each person is treated as an individual, this means that we must make sure that their rights, choice, privacy, dignity and independence are all respected no matter what their age, religion or beliefs are. 1.2 This is to ensure we listen and know what each individual needs and making sure we strive towards these goals, this will promote self esteem and confidence which will make them feel valued and in control of their own lives. 1.3 We all take risks throughout out our lives, but if u do not allow someone to to take any risks you are denying them the right to choose the way they want to live, this is infringing on their free will, and as an individual you need to make choices that can be deemed as risky. 1.4 A care plan is as individual as each person is, it takes into account all the persons needs and is planned with them every step of the way, so by following this it makes sure that we are meeting their needs, and the care plan is evaluated and adapted regularly as the persons needs change so it is always current. 2.1 This can be done through talking to them, finding out who they really are and what their needs and preferences are, if they have family then talk with them to assist in finding out the persons history, what they like to do, if they have any interests they would like to be able to continue doing, whether this is just as simple as going to church on a Sunday or meeting up with friends. In a hospital setting it can be finding out how long their stay is going to be, if they have a care package in place then how can this be sorted on their release, this can all be done through having a conversation and writing all the information in the care plans. Should a person lack capacity to consent then you need to find out if they have someone who has lasting power of attorney, or a
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