Unit 4222-332

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Unit 4222-332 Support individuals at the end of life (HSC3048) Outcome 1 Understand the requirements of legislation and agreed ways of working to protect the rights of individuals at the end of life 1. outline legal requirements and agreed ways of working designed to protect the rights of individuals in end of life care The Department of Health’s 2008 End of Life Care Strategy, provides a comprehensive framework aimed at promoting high quality care for all adults approaching the end of life in all care settings in England. It sets out what adults reaching the end of their lives, and their carers can expect from the services provided to them and one of the key aims is to ensure as far as possible their needs and preferences for future…show more content…
The emotional distress and other pressures inherent in situations in which patients are approaching the end of their life sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflict between doctors and patients and those close to them, or between members of the healthcare team. However, this can usually be avoided through early, sensitive discussion and planning about how best to manage the patient’s care. Advanced care planning (ACP) is a process of discussion between an individual and his/her care provider. It is to make clear a person’s wishes in anticipation of a deteriorisation in their condition in the future, with associated loss of capacity to make decisions or communicate wishes to others. It only comes into effect if and when a person has lost such capacity. Individuals approaching the end of life need to have their needs assessed and their wishes and preferences discussed. An ACP sets out the wishes of the individual about the ways in which they will be supported and cared for in the future as their illness progresses and their condition deteriorates. Plans are based upon discussions between the individual and their care providers (both health and social care). It includes important information about concerns, values and preferences. ACPs should be documented, communicated to all those involved in the care plan, including family and friends if the individual wishes it. ACP is particularly important when an individual’s communication skills are

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