Unit 202 Dementia Awareness

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Unit 202 Using enquiry and investigative techniques to solve problems Dementia Awareness Over the following two weeks i am going to conduct a research study focused on people living with dementia. I have chosen this topic due to the lack of awareness of the disease and its effects on people living with dementia, despite how common it is among the population. Plan Enquiry questions; · What is dementia? · Is there a cure for dementia? · What are the common signs and symptoms of dementia? · How can the media and historical views of dementia impact how people see individuals living with dementia today? · What are the misconceptions of dementia and people living with dementia? · What support can carers in the NHS provide for individuals living with dementia and what else can they do in the trust to help develop their care? · Are people living with dementia employed? · How can we promote dementia awareness? Objective; 1. Explain what dementia is and the signs and symptoms that may indicate someone living with dementia. 2. How the history of dementia care, or the media can mislead people's views on individuals living with dementia. 3. Identify facts and the misconceptions people have of those living with dementia. 4. What the NHS does to support those living with dementia and how they promote dementia awareness to the public. 5. Find out whether people with dementia can still fit to work, and who would emply them. Method of working and timescale; 1. Use e-learning programme on south tees intranet - dementia awareness (30 minutes) 2. Alzheimers Society Research (30 minutes) 3. Research the frequently asked questions on dementia (30 minutes) 4. Watch DVD on 'dementia awareness - mealtimes' (15 minutes) 5. Group discussion to share knowledge with others (15 minutes) 6. Produce enquiry questions relating to dementia (1 hour) 7. Use

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