M3 - Assess the different methods that can be used for promoting and protecting public health Assess how these methods of protection and control Promote public health awareness and protect the public from disease. In this essay I will be both describing and evaluating the different methods used to promote and protect public health in the U.K. The main aims of promoting and protecting public health are to improve the general health of the population and to reduce health inequalities within the U.K. The government is a key part of all of this as they have produced many official documents, papers, reports and legislations in order to enhance overall public health. One of these documents is the White Paper which focuses on making choices
M2 – Discuss the factors likely to influence current and future health patterns in the UK. Use parts of the government reports listed below to help you write this assignment on health inequalities in Britain. There are links at the end of this assignment brief. Black Report 1980 Acheson Report 1998 Saving Lives: Our healthier nation 1999 White Paper – Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier 2004 Marmot report 2010 Explain to the overall pattern of health in Britain according to these reports. Discuss what improvements have been made Discuss the inequalities that remain Explain the widening health gap Discuss how poverty, unemployment and deprivation impact on health Describe the regional or ethnic
In accordance to David Hunter (2014), he states “The future public health leaders need to be politically astute, able to communicate with different audiences, form collaborative relationships that enable things to get done, and assemble the business case for investing and disinvesting in public health using evidence from NICE and elsewhere”. Moreover, Koh (2009) expresses the distinctive and perplexing nature of public health problems—and offers the unique chances of resolving them. The process engenders much ‘inspiration, frustration and fascination’. He highlighted that public health leaders need to be dedicated to tackle difficulty problems, to involve with several stakeholders and to carry out this action in the community, ready for inquiry and open discussion at every period. However, successful leaders must move beyond passion.
Unit IV Epidemiology - “epi” – on,upon, befall - “demo” – people, population, man -“ology” – study of -The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states in specified populations and the application of this study to control health problems. What is it? *Quantitative discipline based on the principles of research methodology and statistics. *Have made a significant contribution to the identification of risk factor *Distribution – how are cases of the condition of interest spread across a population differently by gender,age,geographic location, socio economic status, other features? *Determinants – what risk factors or antecedent events are associated with the appearance of a disease or condition?
It helps to find out that what company’s product significantly influenced and how to distribute to consumers. Place may involve assessments about to location or the times medical services can be retrieved. The marketing deliberation for place is very important in today’s managed care setting. Moreover, health care organizations establish managed care plans for customers to enroll in insurance selection that fulfill for their health care needs; a place adjustable assumes a critical role. Companies must consider location before offering the health care plans or prepaid health plans.
this followed two famous reports in the field the report of sir douglas black in 1980 and updated version from 1987 the health divide, Donald Acheson concluded his report with a list of 39 recommendations for adreesing health inequality. the three areas identified as cruical to this process are all policies likely to have an impact on health should be evaluated in terms of their impact on health inequality, a high priority should be given to the health of families and children and further steps should be taken to reduce income inequalites and improve the living standards of poor houseloads. Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation, 1999 This was the health strategy released by the labour government shortly after it camw to power in 1997. saving lives ahd clear links with the acheson report the tackle the root casues of ill health, including air pollution, unemployment, low wages, crime and disorder and poor housing. The twenty-first century The public health white paper- choosing health making healthy choices
Unit 505 Working in partnership health and social care or children and young people’s settings (M2c) 1. Identify the features of effective partnership working Person-centred care has become the foundation of efforts to reform health care in the UK. This is the core concept that Government Policy is built around and a major aspect enabling individuals to participate in decision making about their care at every level. By focusing on the individuals’ aspirations and goals, placing them at the centre, the care team can ensure that their best interests are maintained and preferences are considered. Health Act 1999 Partnership working is a key element of practice in the health and social care setting.
Increases in popularity of complementary therapies such as nutrition, and focuses of government policy on prevention, indicate nutritional medicine may become more relevant in public health in the future. Nutritional Medicine is the use of food and supplements for health promotion, disease prevention, and medicinal and therapeutic effects. The scope of nutritional medicine includes nutraceuticals, dietary therapy and lifestyle therapy (Nutrition Australia 2012). The role of nutritionists is to: • establish guidelines for the delivery of quality health care services to the public • defend public health and safety • protect the public interest • promote informed health care choices (Australian Natural Therapists Association 2012) They can assist with the management and prevention of conditions such as diabetes, food allergies, cancers, gastro-intestinal diseases, and obesity. The public health system plans and implements policies, programs, projects and services to minimize health risk, promote health and reduce health inequality.
By focusing on the social determinants of health within a population, i.e. the living conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age and shortfalls in the country’s health system, we can target social inequalities and achieve health equity within countries (WHO, 2008). Whereas biomedicine focuses on the medical causes of disease, the social determinants of health approach looks beyond these boundaries and instead focuses on the social origins influencing people’s health status (Germov, 2009, p.15). In a recent report, the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission ([NHHRCC], 2009) determined food and nutrition to be a crucial aspect in the
The health of each and every individual is very much important for the welfare of a society. Epidemiology is a kind of tools which helps to improve the health of public (Rothman, 2012). Epidemiology is defined as ‘a study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events, including disease and the application of this study to control of diseases and other health problems’ (world Health Organisation [WHO], 2012). Since last century there has been a noticeable change happened in the field of epidemiology like changes in size, scope and approach and in nowadays it is grown as a essential science which deals with community health (Aschengru & Seage, 2008). Epidemiologists use different kinds of methods and tools to study and describe health problems and events among people (Bonita, Beaglehole, Kjellstorm & WHO, 2006).