Unit 132 Essay

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Unit 132: Awareness of the role and responsibilities of the adult social care worker 1. Knowing about the responsibilities of the adult social care worker 1.1: Identify main responsibilities of an adult social care worker: Its best to work within the law and go to training course and to keep updated. Following policies and procedures and to look after their own safety as well as others around them. 1.2: Outline the responsibilities and limits of the relationship between care workers and the individual: Few of examples are respecting privacy and dignity, not having favourite people and not taking any money or gifts. Also to respect boundaries and value every person’s individuality. 1.3: Identify other that adult social care workers in partnership with: You can have pharmacist or doctors/nurses for health or medicine. Family and friends. Occupation al therapist e.g. Care workers and home services such as meals on wheels, cleaning. 1.4: Outline the need to report any suspicions about abuse or neglect: It’s a care worker job to notice any abuse or neglect; it is also good practise to help support health and well-being. If it goes unnoticed it can have long term effects. If you help someone is being neglected or abused its best to go to someone who is experienced and trusted and will take the appropriate action. 2. Know about the role of the adult social care worker 2.1: Identify daily tasks in a range of adult social care roles: Personal care, assisting with food prepare/drinks and med prompting, supporting with shopping and home tasks. 2.2: Outline hoe duty of care might apply to the adult social care worker’s daily role: Acting in the best interest of the service user and act within your competence and do not take on something you do not believe you can safely do and always report if you have any concerns. 2.3: Give examples of how to provide
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