Unit 1 E3 the Collapse of the Liberal State and the Triumph

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UNIT E1E3: THE COLLAPSE OF THE LIBERAL STATE AND THE TRIUMPH OF FASCISM IN ITALY, 1896-1943. A: Weaknesses of the political system and attempts to stabilise it from 1903 under Giolitti; social discontent and political disorder, 1896-1912. Why was Italy politically unstable in the late nineteenth century? ▪ Political life was monopolised by a small social élite elected by a small percentage of the population. Before 1912, only 2 million men had the right to vote. ▪ In Parliament, political parties were weak and ineffective. Large political coalitions were created – TRASFORMISMO. ▪ Giovanni Giolitti was the politician most closely associated with trasformismo. Between 1892 and 1922, he was Prime Minister on five occasions. ▪ Under his influence, the Liberals did not develop as a structured party. They were, instead, a series of informal personal groupings with no formal links to political constituencies. ▪ The King offered some stability but some radicals wanted reform of the monarchy and lower taxes. A Republican Party was created in 1895 but could not work with the radicals in Parliament. ▪ Italy suffered from limited industrial development and generally inefficient farming. A fundamental economic weakness was the North-South divide. ▪ In the North, revolutionary farming changes between 1890 and 1910 led to the introduction of new crops like sugar beet and more diverse products such as grapes, rice, olives and maize. ▪ In the South, farming changed little. Primitive peasant farming supported a social and political system dominated by a few land-owning families. ▪ In the twenty years before 1914, Italy witnessed some industrial development but compared with other European nations, such development was limited. Hydro-electric power in the North led to the growth of some steel production but most had to be imported. ▪ State
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