Hero Essay A hero is something more than a caped crusader or a big green monster. A person can’t just magically come into the spotlight and be proclaimed as a hero. To be a hero, one must act with selflessness and do what it takes to help others in dire situations. Somebody cannot expect to be known as a hero for their actions, because a true hero is someone who does not expect any glorification at all. Sports athletes are unique people.
To show affection was a sign of weakness; the only thing worth demonstrating was strength” (pg 28). Since s real man shows no affection Okonkwo can’t seem to show his love to others. He knows nothing else but to beat, yell, and insult others he uses these actions to show his love towards others. Which makes it difficult for others and him to have any sort of relationship with him, because you live in only fear; if he’s mad he beats you and if he’s happy he still beats you. It’s difficult to build any feeling to even form a relationship with a person who is impossible to ever feel and express positive emotion.
With no proof of what Billy Bishop did, he and many others believe he deserves the recognition that he got. He does not deserve the medals that were given to him because of the very little evidence that exists to support his case. Billy Bishop is not a true hero and should never be considered one because he’s not trust worthy, there’s no proof, and the mission itself wasn’t possible. Humans have no reason to even take Billy seriously because of his history as a human and the wrong deeds he’s done. He simply is not trust worthy, and there is plenty of evidence to prove that he is.
George is not as flat a character as Lennie. Understanding him can be hard since you have no idea where he is from and what he has done. There are no relatives or anything significant from his past mentioned despite the fact that he has never had a girlfriend. Things one might speculate about is how Lennie and George met each other and why on earth George is so devoted to Lennie. George always talk about how his life would be easier if he did not have Lennie to take care of, but George never leaves him.
That's the nature of a hero. It kills him, of course, ultimately. But it makes the whole struggle of humanity worthwhile.” “We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up ... discovering we have the strength to stare it down.” “Heroism is endurance for one moment more.” “Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” “We are all ordinary. We are all boring.
However, through determination to be and do his absolute best, he became something special. In fact, he attempts surgeries nobody else will touch in order to restore hope to children and their loved ones when hope is just a ghost lurking in the shadows of what used to be. “As a youngster, he was branded a failure. Thanks to his own determination and his strong religious faith however, he avoided becoming just another statistic, and is now an acknowledged expert in pediatric neurosurgery.” (Ben1). Carson had all the odds stacked against him from the ghetto, he was automatically a failure.
Evans was revered by his team for his physical strength, but this was seemingly his only asset. He was mentally weak; he could not deal with disappointment and suffering in an effective manner .This was shown by his aggressive and pessimistic response to the realisation that the Norskies had beaten them to the pole: “I’d like to bash their heads in”p18, “And all for nothing. For nothing”p21. He did not believe that the group could make it back to camp, even though Scott, the captain, believed they could. “We’ll never get there” (Evans) p22.
194) His friends would not listen to Colby's argument that, "Going too far was something everybody did sometimes." (Barthelme, 1973, pg. 193) We never do find out what Colby had done, but we do know that whatever it was, it made his friends very angry with him. Since Colby was never arrested for any crime, we can infer that what he did was not a serious crime. This is why Colby's friends' reaction to his actions seems very unusual.
Only Gatsby is portrayed as a person who fought for love and in a way can be viewed as a “hero” and the only one that has a bit of decency in him, however he was far from a perfectly moral person. One can sense alienation and separation between the characters even on a family level. There aren’t any shared values between them and even though one can see that the society is lost there is no solution offered on how to change the society for the better. As a result of these qualities the novel The Great Gatsby is a successful modernist novel representing a disillusioned society whose members share no common sense of moral values. The comparison between the Valley of Ashes and the Eggs serves to portray how people in society had everything they could ever want, but were still empty inside their souls.
In addition, his wife is not in any of his fantasies. Is he unhappy with his marriage? One could make the leap he is having marital issues. Just as Walter is imaginative, he is also carefree. In fact Walter does not seem to care about anything.