Understand Child and Young Person Development

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Assignment 331 Understand Child and Young Person Development Induction Pack for New Staff (School Policy) Assessment Methods It is school policy to use the following assessment methods to monitor a child/young person’s development in the classroom: • Marking and feedback. • Class or revision tests A child or young person’s development does not always follow the expected pattern due to disability. This may be physical and prevent growth. There may be emotional issues being suffered and this could be due to various occurrences such as divorce, bereavement or health issues within the family. Environmental issues could also have an effect because of the environment in which a child or young person lives. The family environment could also be troubled and everyday finance could be an issue, leading to limited access to food and nutrition. If any of these factors cause you to be concerned, you must bring your concerns to the attention of the Headteacher or one of the deputies. Please pay special attention to any disability that is impacting on development as the school can assist with specialist equipment to help any child or young person who requires it. Again, this must be brought to the attention of the Headteacher as soon as it is identified. Various Intervention Services are available for staff to access whenever necessary, should development of a child or young person not follow the expected pattern. A social work team works closely with the school, should you identify any child protection issues. If there are any issues with regards to speaking and reading aloud in the class there is a speech and language therapist attached to the school. Should staff members identify any problems with this, then the speech and language team can work closely with the child or young person.
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