As a young adult defiance is key, when told something is illegal it is all that much more exciting to do it. This is preciously why the drinking age should be lowered to at least 18. Allowing teens to drink in controlled environments such as restaurants, pubs and official school and university functions. In these situations responsible drinking could be taught through role modeling and educational programs. Mature and sensible drinking behavior would be expected.
This makes them want to be a rebel and try out what it is they are being kept away from. The fact that they don’t know when they will be able to drink again is the reason most college students tend to get overly drunk when they get a chance which can lead to many serious problems such as death. Keeping the drinking age at 21 sends the wrong message that alcohol represents maturity, which leads teens to want to drink alcohol to appear more mature. If the drinking age was lowered there would be no peer pressure to drink, and young adults could learn how to handle alcohol responsibly at home from their parents. Another reason the drinking age should be lowered is because in the United States you are considered a legal adult at 18.
Underage Drinking is Harmful Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and if used incorrectly or immaturely, the consequences can harm the users and the ones around them extremely. People have been debating the drinking age for years now, whether it should be lowered to 18 or kept at 21. In 1970, 29 states lowered their drinking age, and things were catastrophic; needless to say, they all raised the drinking age by 1976. Alcohol is a drug; in fact, it is the most widely used drug in the world. People abuse alcohol all the time, especially teens.
While this question has been widely debated, there have been studies done to prove the effects of how a certain advertisement does effect the American youth. This essay is going to look at how alcohol advertisements affect the decisions of underage drinkers. Though advertisers say they are not intending to target America’s youth, their ads certainly do not avoid targeting them either. In this essay there will be some information that shows a relationship between the advertisements and the use of alcohol by underage drinkers. In understanding the scope of the problem, is to first see how prevalent the problem is.
This want is what teens drink for. Now if them drinking was not considered illegal then they would not be rebelling and the teens would have to find something different to do to fit in. As stated above underage drinking occurs even with the law in place. The government should acknowledge the fact that underage drinking will occur and take steps to prevent accidents and injuries from underage drinking. The way they can do this is
Hanson, and I believe that some of the reason why students drink to excess is because of that adrenaline rush they get from breaking the rules. My parents, among many other adults, have told me that once you reach the legal drinking age, getting excessively intoxicated loses its thrill. Perhaps if we were to lower the drinking age to eighteen, we would see less college students admitted to hospitals with alcohol poisoning and other alcohol related issues. Overall, a lower drinking age seems like a good idea to me. It would allow students in college to go out and enjoy themselves without being stressed out about breaking the law, as well as possibly lower the number of alcohol related injuries and incidents.
If educators recognized the correlation between sexual assaults and hookup culture, there would be enormous increase in awareness of alcohol intake. Educators should speak to students about the judgment impairing effects on alcohol so that there are less regretful sexual decisions and misperceptions. The fact that alcohol consumption and sexual assault frequently co-occur does not demonstrate that alcohol causes sexual assault. The causal direction could be the opposite; men may consciously or unconsciously drink alcohol prior to committing sexual assault to have an excuse for
Kohlberg believes that in this stage young people lose some of their selfishness as they learn to define right and wrong in terms of what pleases parents and conforms to their cultural norms. (Macionis) The cultural norms in the United States should match those of most European countries when it comes to drinking alcohol. If the youths in America were taught the correct and responsible ways to drink alcohol there would be less alcohol related incidents in the future. Lowering the legal drinking age from 21 to 18
Should I drink tonight? All my friends drink I might as well join.” Every high school student goes through an experience relating to this event. Underage drinking is a problem in society today, just how big is the problem, the consequences of partaking in underage drinking, why are kids doing it and what can the society as a whole do to reduce the issue. Everyone knows underage drinking is a problem in the US, but just how big is the problem? “Alcohol is so popular that it is the most common used and abused drug among youth in the United States, more than
Unlike other countries, the United States is very strict on the drinking age. Instead of the age 18, where we are legally an adult, the drinking age is 21.The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because being 18 is when you are a legal adult and should be able to do everything a legal adult does, including drinking. Binge drinking has become a major problem in youths in the United States. Youths under twenty-one drink profoundly when they can get their hands on alcohol. The ecstasy of breaking the law and being rebellious also influences their drinking and this has