Two Ways in Which Polar Bear Population in the Arctic Is Affected by Pillution

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Polar bears are the apex predator in Arctic marine ecosystems and are exposed to high levels of pollutants that are magnified with each step higher in the food web. Most of the pollution in the Arctic is transported northward by the large rivers draining into the Arctic and on wind and ocean currents that bring pollutants from southern latitudes. The pollutants of most concern are organochlorines that are, or were, used in industry or as pesticides. A key characteristic of the pollutants is that they are persistent in the environment and resist degradation. Unfortunately, many of the organochlorine pollutants are lipophilic or "fat loving" and bond tightly to fat molecules. Because the Arctic marine ecosystem is highly dependent on fat for insulation, buoyancy and energy storage, these pollutants are accumulated in higher and higher levels up the food chain. Simple organisms have limited capacity to metabolize and excrete these chemicals so they bioaccumulate higher in the food web. Polar bears are particularly vulnerable to organochlorines because they eat a fat rich diet. Ringed, bearded, and harp seals comprise the main food of polar bears and the blubber layer is preferentially eaten by the bears and subsequently, the intake of pollutant is high. The most polluted polar bears live in NE Greenland, the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea. The reasons for this are related to global transport and deposition patterns of pollutants. Based on studies, it is reasonable to believe that the pollutants load of polar bears in some areas are negatively affecting the immune system. Recent studies have suggested that the immune system is weaker in polar bears with higher levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). A weakened immune system may mean that these polar bears are more susceptible to succumbing to disease or parasites. Additionally, there is evidence that the hormone

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