Two Many and Not Enough: the Meanings of Bisexual Identities

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Paula C. Rust, in her article, “Two Many and Not Enough: The Meanings of Bisexual Identities”, paves a way for those people who have been marginalized and have been forced to categorize themselves into a monotheistic label of sexual orientation. Her thoughts are supported and based on the entire sample collected for the International Bisexual Identities, Communities, Ideologies, and Politics (IBICIP) study. Through the individuals responses, we are able to see how those who are attracted to both genders or have had romantic or sexual relations with members of both genders, deal with the oppression of an exclusive heterosexual/homosexual binary construction.There can be a little bias when the majority of the study is focused on middle-class, white, non-transgendered, highly-educated people, however, through the respondents insight, we are able to get a better understanding of their psychological, political and social relations. Furthermore, “ a cultural world in which sexuality is seen as a source of identity and individuals who lack sexual identities are seen as deficient, individuals who do not fit neatly into culturally produced heterosexual, lesbian, and gay categories seek to claim the experiential space that can form the basis for bisexual identity” (34). This article is about claiming and making visible that third space that has been silenced and historically received hatred and even stated to not exist. I think the main issue that was touched upon in the article was our binary way of thinking and language. Most human beings tend to think in a dual state of mind; man or woman, gay or lesbian, heterosexual and homosexual. Humans have to choose between being one or the other, not both, not neither, but just strictly one side. And this is when those who may not “fit” into a category get marginalized and criticized. As Rust mentions, “Bisexuality as a

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