Two Kind by Amy Tan

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Mother To Son “Mother To Son” by Langston Hughes is a good poem. It really touches me when I read it. All the words that the mother said to her son remind me the time when my mother advised me. Life is a long road that everybody has to walk through. Sometimes it goes smoothly, but sometimes it does not. My mother is the only person who takes care of my family since my father passed away, so this poem is a great message to everyone who has struggled in life. In the poem, Hughes uses words like no crystal stair, tacks, splinters, boards torn up, and no carpet at the beginning of the poem. It means that she grew up poor. Her life is not easy. She has been through tough time. As I continue reading this poem, I understand that the mother never gives up, even though she has been through rough times. Furthermore, her message to her son and the readers is to not let things bring them down, and get scared away when they face obstacles in life. The theme of “Mother To Son” by Langston Hughes is motivating and encouraging . For instance, she tells her son not to turn back, not to set down, not to fall. She also express that she still keeps going and is still climbing in life. From her experiences, the mother wants her son as well as the readers to know that life is hard, but then again we should just keep moving and stay strong to reach our dreams. After I read “Mother To son” by Langston Hughes again and again I really enjoyed this poem. It encourages and inspires me as well as other people. I find great meaning from mother’s words to her son like my mother’s words to me, too. Additionally, this poem is about hardship, and life experiences. What is more, Langston Hughes’s poem “Mother To Son” empowers not only her son, but also the readers with deep wisdom from a mother’s voice, and

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