Twg Data Analysis

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Objective 1 Target Market Table 1 Age and Preference of TWG Table 1 is a quantitative data, which illustrates the preference of participants of the survey in different age groups towards either tea or coffee. All 50 participants are those who answered “Yes” in Q1 of the survey, thus familiar with TWG to some extent. Our initial assumption of the target age group, which identifies preference towards tea kiosk, was 19-24. Our assumption was based on the fact that younger generation has greater rate of access to media, thus advertisements about luxury products, and the data above clearly supports our assumption. From Table 1, it is observable that the particular age group has significantly higher preference towards both coffee and tea than other focus groups, therefore, we can assume that this age group has the highest tendency to consume such beverage products on average. The data also reveals that only 3 participants from age groups of ?-18 and 25-34 prefer tea, and no participants between the age of 35-54 desire to purchase tea at all, making these age groups inappropriate target market. Furthermore, people of age between 19-24 are the only group which favors coffee over tea, making them a favorable target consumers. Hence, we conclude that the potential consumer of TWG tea kiosk in terms of age groups lies between 19-24 years old, fulfilling the research objective 1. Objective 2 Marketing Communication The suitable marketing communication ensures that the market transfers the right information to the right audiences via the right means. The measure of efficiency aims that emphasis on increasing awareness, raising preference and generating sales. To ascertain the most suitable marketing communication channel, TWG sought to know whether its clients new about its tea kiosk through newspaper, TV, Internet, video,
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