Turner Test Prrp Co.

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SUBMITTED BY: NAME: SAJAN K SAKHARIA REG NO.: 1221027 SEC: LOS IJK SUBMITTED BY: NAME: SAJAN K SAKHARIA REG NO.: 1221027 SEC: LOS IJK ENTREPRENEURSHIP ASSIGNMENT TURNER TEST PREP CO. CASE STUDY ENTREPRENEURSHIP ASSIGNMENT TURNER TEST PREP CO. CASE STUDY TURNER TEST PREP CO. CASE STUDY SITUATION ANALYSIS This case is about Turner Test Prep co. which was formed by Jessica turner. The company specialized in Public accountant (CPA) exam. To understand the situation of the company we will be using 3C analysis which are as follows: * COMPANY Jessica formed this company on the basis that there only 25% of people who cleared the CPA exam in one attempt. To help them clear it in a single attempt Jessica developed a comprehensive reading material, hired professional teacher’s and made herself available for the students. She marketed by putting ads in bay area business schools and also advertised herself to local firms. * COMPETITORS The main competitor of Turner Test was National Testing Services. This company focuses on virtually every standardized test that is offered. * CUSTOMERS The main customers of turner were the students who were studying in business schools and the accountants of small firm who were thinking of giving this exam in order to gain higher salary. IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM PRIMARY PROBLEM * Although the company was running for a while now it was still not able to reach its breakeven point. * Not thinking of other competitors except NTC can hurt turner in the future. SECONDARY PROBLEM * Turner Co. only concentrated on CPA which was stopping them from using their full potential. * Advertising only in bay area made Turner co. visible to people only in that area thus losing a lot of possible customers. CHARACTER ANALYSIS: JESSICA TURNER STRENGTHS * Jessica was a strong and independent women who was

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