Tupac Lifestyle Essay

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'Investigate 'Carton House's' approach to the evaluation of training and development, with a view to identifling a best practice model'. By Susan Kinsella A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for a MA in Human Resource Management National College of Ireland 2010 Declaration 1hmby certify that this material, which I now submit for assessment of t$e p , eof study leading to the award of MA inHuman Rmoum Mauagernent ia enthe1y my own work and ha& not been taken h m the work of others m e and to the extat that such work has been v cited and ackndwIedged within the text of my work Date: Acknowled~ements The researcher firstly wishes to thank and acknowledge Ms. Rachel Doherty for her support and guidance throughout the research process. Secondly the researcher wishes to thank Carton House for their participation in this research. The researcher would like to acknowledge and thank the human resource manager in Carton House, Ms. Siobhan Franklin for her time, guidance and support during the research. The researcher would also like to express thanks to all employees who took part in the research and for giving their time and opinions. The researcher would finally like to thank all family and friends for their constant support, love and encouragement. The purpose of this study is to investigate the evaluation of training and development in 'Carton House'. In recent times there has been a significant emphasis on the evaluation of training and development. The research questions are; what are the methods of training used by Carton House? What type of evaluation used by Carton House to evaluate training and development? And what would be a best practice model "Carton House" could use to evaluate training and development. The literature review includes key thinking on training and development and it outlines the main

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