Tui De Hann - Absent

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English essay “Absent” “Absent” is a short story written by Tui De Hann in 1990. It describes the life of a young boy and his weak-minded mum who is neglecting him unintentionally. We are never given any names of the characters, but this seems unnecessary as the story evolves around only two characters. The story is about the influence of drugs and about absence in many ways. The story unfolds in the capital of Great Britain, more precisely in North London (at least that is where the boy believes he is, (l. 5)). No information tells us whether the boy has his befuddled guess right, nor do we know if his mum lives in Northern London as well. This fact is irrelevant for the story; what is really relevant is that the story is set in the slums: The description of the disturbing drug-hive in which the boy finds himself at the beginning of the story puts in the picture of a poor and despairing environment in need of help. No food can be found in the kitchen of this perishing building, and in line 65 it says: “Out in the hall, the majority of people were awake, propped up against the decaying walls as if the survival of the house’s structure depended on it”. It is also said that the boy’s mum “had not usually had much money” (l. 63) which also indicates a certain amount of poverty. The boy does not really act surprised (or should i say shocked) about the fact that he, after a night he cannot remember, has ended up in an unfamiliar building where a bunch of people under heavy drug-influence are unconscious due to the effect of what he calls “small squares of treated plastic that would send their senses roaring” (l. 69) - It shockingly seems as a quite normal experience to him! Even more frightening is the fact that it is tuesday morning - it is not even weekend and a whole mass of people are drifting away into the hallucinating
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