Trust Thyself Reaction

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Trust Thyself Reaction In the essay “Trust Thyself”, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, he explains how everyone has the potential to be great, if they trust themselves. He also explains that to be great, you must insist on yourself, or be confident. He then mentions that you should never imitate another, because nobody else can be you better than yourself. Trying to be somebody else will only hold you back, and take away your individuality. Finally, he explains that you must take yourself how you are, and not for someone you’re not, which is why imitation is suicide. I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson because I believe trying to be somebody who you are not sacrifices your own self-worth. However, what I do disagree with is that we still have control over who we are and who we become. I believe trying to be someone you’re not sacrifices your own self-worth. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses and we need to focus on our strengths to amplify them. Everyone has unique minds, and to imitate another will take away from the person you’re meant to become. It is a good idea not to copy what others are doing, and just be yourself. Having confidence in yourself will increase your self-worth and make you proud to be who you are. I believe that we still have control over whom we are and who we become. I think we can change ourselves for the better, if we see us going down a path that we do not want to. For example, someone who is a lazy person might one day be motivated by someone who is more driven to be better. Another example is someone who stops having people tell them what to do in life, such as parents. Maybe we’re destined to be who we want to be, and not who we were born to
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