Trinidad History Essay

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INTRODUCTION FORMATION REVIVAL TRANSFORMATION STIKE ACTION AND LEGISLATION CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION Trinidad and Tobago’s society was controlled by the white upper class of Spanish, French and English based on the ideology of white supremacy the model of the plantation system and colonial rule. The working class of mainly of afro descent lacked representation in any political institution with regards to issues relating to better working conditions, higher wages and a voice in the governance of the colony. Planters and Merchants occupied all major position in government, industry, commerce in the church and plantations. Emancipation in 1834 and the gradual withdrawal of African labour resulted in government introduction of Indentured labour from India to meet the needs of the plantation owner’s “cheap labour” demands. During this period a group of affluent men mainly of mullato and black professional men who were instrumental in agitating for rights for its membership and workers in the colony and the wider British West Indies and the formation of the Trinidad Workingmen Association. This report will highlight the propositions, evidence and conclusions drawn by Brinsley Samaroo on the TRINIDAD WORKINGMEN’S ASSOCIATIO AND ORIGINS OF POPULAR PROTEST IN A CROWN COLONY. FORMATION According to Samaroo The Trinidad Workingmen’s Association appear to have been the first workers organisation in Trinidad and the wider British Caribbean, formed just before the 1897 Royal Commission modelled after The Workingmen’s Association of Britain and boasted of linkage to the British Labour Party that is Thomas Summerbell and Joseph Pointer. During a time of economic growth for Trinidad despite an economic depression, Trinidad’s ability to escape the depression was due to evolving industries such as asphalt production, winning of oil, cocoa production second in the world 1895
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