Triangular Slave Trade

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Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade The triangular trade or the trans-Atlantic slave trade began in 1515 when the Spaniards granted the Portuguese an asiento (license) to trade in African Slaves. The triangular trade involved three continents: Europe, West Africa and the Americas. Europeans would first leave a port like Liverpool in England taking with them manufactured goods such as muskets, iron bars, cloth and pots and pans. They would then head for West Africa at a port such as Lagos or Elimina where they would exchange the manufactured goods for slaves. From West Africa slavers (slave ships) would then carry slaves across the Atlantic to the Americas to a port such as Bridgetown in Barbados or Kingston (Jamaica). The slaves would then be exchanged for sugar, rum, molasses, logwood or mahogany. These tropical products would then be taken back to the port of the departure in Europe. Slave Raids There were 3 ways in which slaves were obtain from West African Societies: 1) Europeans negotiated with raiding parties to obtain slaves in exchange for muskets, huts, pans and mirrors etc. 2) Europeans negotiated with tribal kings who traded captures enemies for muskets, pots etc. 3) More seldom done were European themselves making raids on tribal villages. Raids were usually done at night and fire was set on the roofs of the huts so as to create confusion. When the Africans came out of their homes they were trapped with nets, shackled on their hands and feet and then cuffed by their necks to begin the march to the Coast. Slaves who preferably were taken were strong young males and pregnant females. March to the Coast Once the slaves were caught they were shackled by defeat and cuffed around their neck. They were then made to walk a distance of about 350 kilometers in the blistering heat and were minimally given water and food. Those who slowed down the march were
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