Trees Are Our Earliest Neighbours and Best Friends

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Introduction We are really bestowed by our mother earth many precious gifts nourishing our lives. One of the important precious gifts is trees. It is the source of food and shelter too for human beings and animals on the earth. Trees are natural home to many tribes living inside forests and home to all the birds. They give us timber to make furniture, refresh air, prevent soil erosion and floods, give cool and clean air in summer, source of products like gum, paper, rubber, medicine, rain, etc. We should understand the roles and importance of trees in our life and take a pledge to not destroy them as well as encourage people to plant more trees. How to Save a Tree Here are some effective ways to save tree and save life and environment on the earth: • We should find out the reasons of trees removal in the particular region and analyse that whether tree was need to be removed because of being dead, damaged, diseased or planted in an inappropriate location. • We should get proper information about the street tree removal by contacting city department, calling to local division of urban forestry, or writing a letter to the city forester regarding trees removal objection. • We can contact our city council representatives regarding tree removal issue. • We should join our hands together with neighbors and set a public hearing in front of officials regarding saving of the tree. • We should research and collect all the benefits of trees in order to make case strong and effective. • We should contact with the media and make them on our side to reach tree removal issue to the public and generate awareness. • If trees have been removed, we should contact local governmental or nonprofit organization for ensuring re-plantation in the same area Conclusion Life is possible on the earth because of water, oxygen and trees and we cannot ignore that trees are source of

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